By Dave Trippett

Knotts Memorial United Methodist Church in Grantsville will host its July KFC, Knotts Feeding the Community, dinner on Wednesday, July 27th, at 5:30 p.m. This is part of a continuing outreach effort that opens hearts and doors to any and everyone of any and every age.

The era of community churches seems to have faded away without a whimper. The congregation of Knotts is determined to remedy that mistake and these dinners are just a small part of that effort. We will strive to "meet, greet, and serve" everyone that has the desire or need share a dinner with new friends.

It is no secret that there are those in Calhoun County that need help on occasion to make ends meet.

This is just one small way a part of that burden can be relieved, but this program is not limited to just that. Our doors are open to everyone. We have no economic or social guidelines. We have no rules concerning your denomination or where you live. If you attend another church and have a Wednesday service to attend that's OK. Come and have dinner with us before you go.

Maybe you would like some company or just some hot coffee. You're invited too. There are no requirements, no questions, no paperwork, and no cost. So stop by and enjoy some hot food and good friends. Our reference to the "Community" is not governed by the city limits. It reaches out in all directions to the county lines and beyond.

This month's menu is a Taco Salad and as with previous dinners, all meals will be served in the Social Hall at 5:30 p.m.