By Janet Siers

Dog Days began on July 3rd and end August 11. Dog Days bright and clear...indicate a happy year. But when accompanied by rain...for better times our hopes are vain. Seems like we wanted Dog Days to come in wet, in knowing that a dry Dog Days would surely be a miserable summer. Would have to mow the lawns much more often and the dust is abdominal. We will weather the weather whatever the weather.

Blaine King came around last week and moved the 20 foot top of the pine tree out of the yard. He hooked a chain around the broken off end and pulled it with his new Hemi far down in the bottom. It was good to finally get it out. I mowed Sunday evening until around 8 o'clock.

Bear has killed three young groundhogs and a young rabbit so far. He doesn't eat the groundhogs but he ate the rabbit. I always knew that he was eating more than just dog food. His coat is beautiful and shiny.

Heather, Ben, Ruby and Lea spent last weekend with me. We visited with friends around on Two Lick on Saturday. There were horses that were so tame and sweet actually. It was like taking the girls to a petting zoo. Also the girls got in a pool and played for a long time. It was a good visit.

Heather and Ben are on vacation at the Outer Banks this week and are having a wonderful time. The girls love it. Sunny and warm on the beach. I hope they try hang gliding. The Wright Brothers did it there.

Wanda Richards and Genie Bailey visited with me Wednesday, Wanda's day off from Walmart. We listened to good songs on YouTube and sang. I shampooed Wanda's hair and styled it.

Genie was so helpful by throwing out clutter from the bathroom. I was overrun with all the stuff and you know how it is when it comes to throwing things away, you just think you'll need it later but that never happens. It was a good day and we all enjoyed it. Glen Siers stopped by while they were here. He's doing well and gets around better than I do. He takes fish oil and I think maybe it helps.

Betty and Edsel left their lawn chairs from the family reunion. The chairs will be here next time if that's OK.

Crisco on the hummingbird feeder hanger will keep ants off. Ants hate getting in it. Saves a lot a cleaning.

Everyone have a wonderful week!