GRANTSVILLE'S NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS SWORN - No Complaint Filed Concerning Alleged Problems


Grantsville's new mayor Curtis Garretson,
sworn-in by outgoing recorder Helen Johnson

New council members receive oath (L to R) Dorothy McCauley,
Katheryn Kerby, Loretta Stevens, Erin Barnhart, Andrew Smith

Grantsville's newly elected officials participated in a swearing-in ceremony Friday at the town hall, conducted by retiring recorder Helen Johnson.

Duskey accepts recorder position, sworn
to office by retiring recorder Johnson

Barbara Duskey, who earlier said she would have to decline the recorders position, changed her mind and agreed to serve.

The town's council certified the canvas of the ballots, making the results officials.

Recorder Johnson, following a few citizens complaints regarding the election, said the town did not receive a formal complaint regarding alleged problems.

The officials will start their two year term on July 1.

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