Submitted by Kris Phares Snyder
To begin the Senior Appreciation Night activities at the Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center, a reception was held for the 2011 seniors, post graduates, GED graduates and their guests prior to the awards program held at the school May 12, 2011. The ProStart Culinary Arts program prepared the refreshments and the Business Education program prepared a slide show of senior interview and photos for the reception. The theme for this year was "I'm on My Way".
At 6:30 p.m., Director Bryan Sterns welcomed the seniors and their guests to the school. He introduced special guests and presented John Bennett, Gilmer County Superintendent of Schools with a plaque honoring his service as he retires this year. Faculty Senate President Carl Collins introduced the faculty as they presented their students with a souvenir C-GCC key chain and the Tech Prep Honor Cords.
Seniors and Post Graduate students included:
Automotive Technology: Brian Husk, Parker Tallhamer, Shawn Whipkey.
Building Construction: Clayton Bell, Matthew Cottrill, Aaron Dawson-Jarvis, Zachary Freshour, Marissa Kargol (PG), Graham Knight, Jeremiah Marks, Herbert Miller II, William Ohse, Caleb Richards, Joel Roberts, Charles Self II, Cody Shackleford, David Villers.
Business Education: Kellee Collins, Mary Beth Cyrus Husk, Michael Jolliff, Amy Nicholson, Natasha Standford, Hannah Yeager.
Criminal Justice Technology: Samuel Dennison, Heath Kirby, Charles Myers, Janie Parker, Wayne Roberts, Beverly Tomey, Jason Wagner.
Environmental Technology: Andrea Bailey, Erica Capps, Joshua Summers.
Health Occupations: Samantha Cottrell, Martha Jarvis, Megan Lockhart (PG), April McKown, Carrie Sumpter, Alisha Warner, Kourtney Beall.
Networking Technology: Zack Bawcum, Mark Bedree, Zachary Hanshaw, Cody Hickman, Erik Johnson, Zachary Morgan.
ProStart Culinary Arts: Brittani Bell, Jessica Bell, Joshua Farrell (PG), Amanda Frederick, Ryan Heater, Caleb Moore, Charles Riffle, Yumus Roberson, Ashley Shackleford, Kasey Singleton (PG), Kelsey Wood.
Welding Technology: Dennis Dye, Camden Kinder, Calvin Knotts, Dillon Richards, Roy Starcher, Jerama Stuart, Michael Tucker, Peter Vassilopoulos, Justin Wood (PG), Justin Yeager.
Alternative Learning Center: Andrea Bailey, Erica Capps, Kellee Collins, Cody Hickman, Mary Beth Cyrus Husk, Brian Husk, Herbert Miller II, Zachary Morgan, Amy Nicholson, Charles Riffle, Cody Shackleford, Shawn Whipkey.
GED Option Pathway: Zachary Freshour, Jeremiah Marks, Alisha Warner.
GED Graduates: James Ash, Robert Bradley, Ashley Clevenger, Carla Davis, Dilon Felegie, Stephanie Frymier, Jessica Gooslin, Bryan Hardman, Dalton Hart, Leo Jolley, Emma Miller, Virginia Myers, Karen Persinger, Misty Richards, Steven Smith.
Mrs. Linda Jones, GED instructor, presented Carla Davis with the award of GED Student of the Year. Mrs. Jones commended Ms. Davis for her online studies to prepare for the GED.
Mr. David White, counselor and National Technical Honor Society advisor, presented Kourtney Beall, Samuel Dennison, Camden Kinder, Calvin Knotts, Michael Tucker and Natasha Standford with their honor cords, tassels and diploma seals. New inductees also received a certificate, letter of recommendation and NTHS pin.
Mr. Collins with the assistance of Mr. Paul Parsons, Building Construction instructor and Mr. Michael Jackson, Criminal Justice instructor, recognized those students participating in the West Virginia SkillsUSA competition in March. Recognition was given to Charles Self II, 3rd place plumbing, and Samuel Dennison, Janie Parker and junior April Frymier, 1st place technical crime scene investigation. In June, the CSI team will be completing at the National SkillsUSA completion in Kansas City, Missouri.
Pictured left to right - Mr. and Mrs. Whipkey, Parker
Tallhamer, Sheila Ables (mother), Instructor Craig Booher
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Whipkey with the assistance of Mr. Craig Booher, the Automotive Technology instructor, presented the Micheal P. Whipkey, II Memorial Automotive Scholarship for a gift certificate for a tool set from Sears and plaque to Parker Tallhamer.
Samuel Dennison received the Melissa Sue Oshoway Memorial Criminal Justice Scholarship for $1000.00. This scholarship was presented by Mr. and Mrs. John Oshoway with the assistance of Mrs. Patty Cain.
This year the Career Center awarded two scholarships to graduating students who plan to pursue a career in their career and technical field they study while attending the Career Center. Mr. White and Mrs. Nancy Weekly, C-GCC secretary, recognized this year's winners: Shawn Whipkey and Charles Self, II with a certificate and $100.00 scholarship.
Mr. Sterns, assisted by Mr. Ron Blankenship, presented the Ronald Blankenship Student Academic Award to those students who met the gold standard on ACT WorkKeys in the academics areas of reading for information, locating information and applied mathematics. This year's winners were Zack Bawcum, Zachary Hanshaw and Jessica Wood.
Instructor Carl Collins, Michael Tucker, Ron Blankenship
Mr. Collins and Mr. Blankenship presented a certificate and medallion to Michael Tucker for perfect attendance for the 2010-2011 school year.
Mr. Sterns and Mr. Bennett presented a certificate and medallion to Charles Self II, Natasha Standford, and Michael Tucker who were recognized with the Outstanding Student Award. These students missed no more than 5 days, maintained at least a 93% grade average, displayed acceptable attitudes in all phases of lab participation. They participated in all assigned classroom work and actively participated in club activities. Only one student is recognized per program area.
Director Bryan Sterns, Natasha Standford, Judy
Standford (mother), Superintendent John Bennett
The Earl J. Gainer Career Technical Education Student of the Year was established in 1990, to pay tribute to Mr. Gainer and to honor the student who best exemplifies career technical excellence. In selecting the recipient of this honor, the committee attempts to award an individual who demonstrates the same outstanding qualities possessed and utilized by Mr. Gainer. Mr. Sterns and Mr. Bennett presented a commemorative clock and $500.00 scholarship to Natasha Standford.