"Shall we gather at the river,
where bright angel feet have trod,
with its crystal tide forever
flowing by the throne of God?"
"Yes, we'll gather at the river,
the beautiful, the beautiful river;
gather with the saints at the river
that flows by the throne of God."
"Ere we reach the shining river,
lay we every burden down;
grace our spirits will deliver,
and provide a robe and crown."
May, 2011
A baptism into faith, the ritual of submersion into water, is a long-time religious custom in Appalachia.
Last Sunday afternoon, at the mouth of Frozen Run, five area residents were baptized.
Rev. Tim Hickman conducted the baptism, while the congregation joined in the religious celebration, standing along Nicut Road.
Oak Rogers' Baptism at Frozen by Preacher John McCumbers nearly 100 years ago
The participants and congregation hold in
reverence the significance of the occasion
Some churches believe baptism is an appeal to God for a clear conscience, while others believe it is a symbolic washing away of sin, a completion of the conversion experience.
The service was concluded with a covered dish dinner at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schoolcraft, across the road from the baptism site.
The congregations and celebrants enjoy
dinner on the lawn of the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Schoolcraft (bottom photo)