
"Take Back" collects 34 pounds of prescription drugs

L to R: Jean Simers, Sheriff Allen Parsons and Judy
Powell sort through liquid medication containers

The prescription drug 'Take Back' held in Calhoun last Saturday collected 34 pounds of medications, with 423 containers turned in.

State authorities say more than 3,000 pounds of prescription drugs were collected during "Take Back Day," a statewide effort to collect unwanted and expired pills.

U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin and Drug Enforcement Administration Resident Agent in Charge Dennis Bolum announced that residents turned in 3,178 pounds of drugs during the event.

In Calhoun, "The take-back was a really successful endeavor," according to Jean Simers, "We want to thank Sheriff Allen Parsons for his assistance in bringing a Take Back site to the county."

The Calhoun County Substance Abuse Coalition hopes to continue the "Take Back" program twice a year.

Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including the home medicine cabinet.

Sheriff Parsons displays pill containers dropped at site

In addition, many Americans do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away - both potential safety and health hazards.

"It is an alarming statistic that nearly one in five teens has tried prescription medication to get high. Working together with all of our partners, this effort will help to eliminate a major source of abused prescription drugs, and reduce the hazard they pose to our families in a safe, legal, and environmentally sound way," said the DEA.

The Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA] sponsored the 'Take Back' program, along with the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department, and the Calhoun County Substance Abuse Coalition with the United in Prevention grant.


Simers expressed thanks to the Calhoun County Committee on Aging for use of their facility and for distributing flyers at their Medication Management event, J&B Drug Store and Rite Aid Drug Store for distributing inserts in prescription bags about the Take Back program, Calhoun County Schools for distribution of flyers and printing posters for the event, Calhoun Chronicle and Hur Herald for their promotion and coverage of the event, businesses for displaying posters of the event, the United in Prevention Substance Abuse Prevention Grant and all of the individuals who participated in the Take Back day.