An 1895 report from a corespondent to the Wheeling Intelligencer said the Calhoun Co. Fair was the best exhibition ever given in the county, in addition to other county news.
"The Calhoun county fair was a success, the attendance being fully up to the highest expectations of the management and the exhibits among the best that we have seen this season," said the report.
"Besides being liberally patronized by the best farmers of Calhoun, adjacent counties are contributing largely in exhibits of stock, and the stalls are well filled with chicest and most popular breeds of cattle, sheep, hogs and horses, all in good condition."
"Among the best exhibits of cattle are nine polled Angus, entered by Swisher Bros., from Harrison county, and several fine lots of Jerseys, Short Horn Debin and Durham, entered by M. Hardman, and a few splendid lots by the Hardman Bros, from Roane county."
The agricultural department showed a fine display in all grains and vegetables."
"Johnson Yoak, son of Rev. Elias Yoak, was kicked in the breast today by a vicious horse and received probably fatal injuries. He is being cared for at the hospitable home of Reece Blizzard, but no hopes are entertained for his recovery."
"Nipper, the valuable running horse belonging to F. N. Hayes of Gilmer county, collided with a buggy in the act of crossing the race track at the Calhoun Fair this morning and was killed. Nipper's time was 1:43."
"George Davis, of Grantsville, drank three gallons of hard cider yesterday and died," the report concluded.