Calhoun County AmeriCorps volunteers will be hosting a first aid class on November 30 in the barn at Calhoun County Community Park from 5 to 9 p.m. The cost is $30.00.
First aid is defined as emergency treatment given to a sick or injured individual until professional help arrives on the scene. Crucial steps to administering first aid include learning how to protect both oneself and the individual(s) in need of assistance by adhering to proper hygienic techniques, thereby reducing the chance of contracting or transferring any illnesses.
In addition, one must also understand how to survey a scene, taking careful note of any potential hazards. This is a vital step, and one that is often overlooked by those rushing to aid an indisposed person. Being trained to carefully examine the situation can prevent both the rescuer and the victim from incurring further harm.
Once protective and surveying measures have been taken, one may help the injured or sick individual. The American Red Cross First Aid Course also provides instruction in how to control bleeding, set splints, and correctly apply bandages and ice to wounds.
If you are interested in attending the class, or if you would like to find out about other emergency trainings and certifications offered by the American Red Cross, please contact Megan Healy-Bleichner or Michelle Jones at 304-588-0717 or come to the Calhoun Courthouse on Mondays or Tuesdays between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.