FLASHBACK 2010: 'MAKING THE BEST BETTER' - 4-H Council Circle Honors Sue And Randall Jones


A final council circle for the Jones'

By Bob Weaver October 2010

Following funeral services this weekend for retired WVU Extension Agent, Sue Jones, 64, there was a 4-H Family Reunion Council Circle honoring Sue and her husband Randall's service to the Calhoun and WV 4-H programs and community.

The council circle was described as a time to mourn and a time to celebrate.

Cheryl Fleming McKinney leads the group in traditional 4-H music

Sue Jones had been Calhoun's extension agent for 31 years, passing away on October 4 following a sudden illness.

Randall Jones passed away in 2009.

A large number of local and regional 4-H members, young and old, attended the circle held at the family residence at Mt. Zion.

Attendees shared recollections of the Jones' long time service, and how their lives impacted them personally, and participated in rituals long associated with a 4-H council circle.

Randall Jones' brother Lyndell delivers a song and daughter,
Shannon Jones Johnson recalls memories of her parents

4-H has been a long-time program in Calhoun that has impacted the lives of several thousands individuals.

4-H life is a world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change.

The program in the USA involves more than 6 million youth, 540,000 volunteers, 3,500 professionals, and more than 60 million alumni.

I am grateful to be a former 4-H'er, and remember a moment of gratitude when I addressed about 500 people at a national gathering as the President of the WV Association of Drug and Alcohol Counselors.

While nervous before getting upfront, it was with ease I delivered a story about the Mountain State.

I owe that to 4-H, who pushed a shy, country boy to stand up and make presentations before 4-H clubs and groups.

Recalling how the Jones' impacted their lives

The 4-H motto is, "To make the best better." Randall and Sue Jones rose high to those standards.