
Kathleen H. Taylor

Welcome back to Beason. It's been awhile since I've been able to take the "mighty pen" in hand.

We need to continue supporting the Ritchie County Rebels as they work their way back into good mindset. These few losses have been hard on them and they need to know we have their backs no matter win or lose. We need to have those bleachers packed for the next home game!

The Ritchie County Rebel Band has been in full swing. They've performed at all the football games and functions as well as some competitions. This past weekend their competitions included Liberty High School and Kingwood. I think the kids did very well and deserve some recognition for that.

Ritchie County Rebel Band

Calhoun County High School's Homecoming football game is Friday, October 1. So far, we will be attending, but, with our lives, it could change in a heart beat. I have learned never to set any plans in stone. I don't mean to let Ritchie County down by attending Homecoming, but, it is where I grew up. Old friends are never forgotten.

The annual Molasses Festival is this weekend in Arnoldsburg, Calhoun County. I don't think we will be attending due to the fact we have a band competition in Greenbrier County. I'm not sure I am looking forward to the drive there. But, it is beautiful countryside.

We will deeply miss CCES's former secretary, Lisa Chancey. She did so much for the kids, staff and parents. She definitely went above and beyond the call of duty. We will always love her and appreciate her. But, we also understand the decisions she had to make. Career and family decisions are never easy. So, we have to make the best choices we can. Good luck Lisa!

Our family adopted three little kittens. I have to admit they are quite cute. All three have been named for great influences in the music industry~Angus (Young), Eddie (Van Halen) and Lita (Ford). All have different personalities but have adapted well to our other wildlife. They have figured out how to torment the dog while he is tied up. So, that's been their amusement lately. (As well as the boys' amusement)

How about the weather this week? Gosh, it's been hot. It seems more like July, rather than September. But, I understand colder temperatures are headed our way. So, I guess it's time to try and remember where I put the fall coats and stuff. This happens to me all the time. That's why I stopped buying Christmas presents early. I can never remember where I put them when its time to wrap them. Then, I end up shopping for presents all over again. Perhaps, in about mid-January I will recall where I put the original presents.

I am ending this very short article with a quote, "If A=Success, then the formula is A=X+Y+Z. X is work, Y is play and Z is keep your mouth shut". Albert Einstein. A little quote I think everybody can use every now and then.

Have a wonderful week.