
Ellison homestead is "work in progress," repair and restoration

By Bob Weaver

"It's an old house that needs lots of work," says Chloe resident Bill Jarvis, who has spent time over the years trying to restore the stately farm house.

Jarvis, a retired employee of Calhoun Schools, has been a longtime builder, whose wife Naomi is a descendant of the Ellison family.

Bill Jarvis says "It's going to take a lot
of work," recalling old house's historic
roots, displaying storage bin in pantry

Original Ellison sign on front door,
woodwork example of interior design

The John C. Ellison homestead was built about 1920 by Ellison and his father, Nathaniel Ellison (1845-1939) a private in the Union Army, serving in William Ellison's Company in Calhoun County,

Nathaniel Ellison, builder of the Ellison Homestead

The house was completed before John C. Ellison married Fannie L. Snodgrass in 1921. The Ellison's moved into their new home the day of their marriage, and Mrs. Ellison got up the next morning and cooked breakfast for a throng of field-hands helping on the farm.

The 1930 census shows three Ellison sons living in the household, Ondrell, Leo and Charles, and a daughter, Irene.

View from upstairs porch, an ornate stair-
case lead to three upstairs bedrooms

House has original fireplaces,
with barn still standing along road

Nathaniel Ellison had deep connections to Calhoun's early settlers, including the Nicholas', the Starchers, the Brannons and the Mucklewains.

Nathaniel's father, Capt. William Ellison was born in Augusta County, Virginia, and was a teacher at the "Mill Run" school on Beech, and at one time owned all the land known as the present Thomas P. Jarvis homestead on Oka Road, historically known as the "Mammy Jane" place, made famous by the late Sybil Jarvis Pischke's novel.

William Ellison left the Oka area for Missouri, where he owned a ranch and hotel, and is buried there.