By Alvin Engelke

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Grace Keaffaber who was injured while at work at Mineral Wells some time back remains hospitalized as a result of her injuries. Another surgery was done on her elbow and a port was installed but then her lung collapsed.

Marie Park Snyder's great grandson arrived a little too soon (Preemie) and has health problems. The family is asking for prayers.

Mr. & Mrs. "Cooter" Marks went camping over the weekend and encountered truck problems along with intense humid heat and storms.

The Creston area has had hard rains and storms causing the tree frogs (toads) to resume singing and causing local streams to look like the Platte River. The Little Kanawha had already been muddy but now the West Fork, Spring Creek, Reedy, etc are all the same. The tadpoles in the mud puddle along the Richardsonville road now have much more water for swimming and stand a good chance for metamorphism.

The Wirt road crew has been patching potholes on West Virginia 5. They are cutting out the holes, squaring up the sides and doing the patches correctly.

Many area residents frequently visit Ohio Amish country but even more striking is the Amish area in Pennsylvania. The Amish there, and their Mennonite neighbors, are, no doubt among the best farmers in the world. However, they do not fit in with the Big Eared One and his plan to "fundamentally change Amerika". Now it seems that the government claims that the Pennsylvania Amish are "polluting Chesapeake Bay" likely because they have not filed "nutrient management plans" with the appropriate federal agency. That paperwork stops pollution every time.

Speaking of paper work, BP's spill plan for drilling in the Gulf that was approved by the Big Eared One's specially hired woman discussed the impact on walruses & other marine mammals and cited an expert who had been dead for 4 years. Sarah Palin pointed out that the plan was the Alaska shallow water drilling plan.

BP had given large sums to the Big Eared One & his associates & had backed all his schemes and now they find themselves with Senor Salazar's boot on their throat. The oil couldn't be burned because of the environment, the sand berms couldn't be built because of "environmental concerns", the oil skimmers couldn't be used because of an old law regulating foreign competition and the oil booms that were offered "on day one" are still in the warehouse in Maine. One wonders if the disaster is someone's plan and that the "accident" was sabotage. The question then becomes, "By whom and on whose orders?"

In oil & gas field news closer to home, Chief, a Texas outfit was drilling in Marshall County and, apparently, hit an old abandoned mineshaft that was filled with gob gas. The rig ended up being toast and the rig hands were all transferred to the West Penn burn center.

Apparently there are problems in the Church of Anthropomorphic Global Warming. For reasons that some say were more than obvious, the high priest lost his priestess with the indication that "she had had more than enough". Some years back Big Al said their courtship was the basis for the series "Love Story" and then he invented the internet before he "discovered global warming" and all the money that would make him. Funny thing though, while he claimed that the oceans would rise he only recently purchased another mansion (up to 19 now?) along the coast in California. While he has already made hundreds of millions on the climate scam, he, along with the Big Eared One's Chicago friends, GE, AIG, Goldman Sax & the Chicago Shore Bank stand to take in billions if the "Climate Change" bill passes the congress.

The price of gasoline dropped to the $2.62 range in the Parkersburg area while the price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is $68/bbl.

Those who followed the health care debate may remember the quote, "You can keep your old plan!" Well, now that folks have been studying the new law it turns out that, contrary to what was said and promised, 51% of existing health insurance plans "do not qualify" under Obamacare. Isn't that a surprise?

This week is Folk Festival in Glenville which is where one goes to hear the best of traditional old time music.

Some new folks in Brooksville got lost down along the West Fork and had to get directions to return to their residence.