LIGHTS ON! PROGRAM EVALUATED - "Team Was Very Impressed"

Calhoun's three-year running Lights On! program has been evaluted by a RESA V evaluation team. Executive Director Ronald Nichols said "The team was very impressed with this extensive program," which is touching the lives of kids and adults in Calhoun County.

The team from RESA V was comprised of Executive Director, Ronald Nichols; David Scragg, Ph.D., Director of Evaluation Services; and Debbie Thompson, Chair, RESA V Board of Directors and President of Pleasants County Board of Education.

The team completed an on-site review and evaluation of Lights On! During the two-day review, the team examined written records and documentation, conducted interviews and reviewed levels of participation in the project at all sites. The team evaluated the program's strengths and weaknesses and provided recommendations for improving overall program effectiveness.

The team found Lights On! to be an extremely valuable resource for the advancement of the educational, cultural, health, recreational, economic, and community-building opportunities available to the citizens of Calhoun County. Most notably, Lights On! adult participation has been in areas of technology and crafts. Among parents, the most successful activities have been in emergent literacy. Impressively, the program has involved over 500 adults and 800 youth, or nearly two-thirds of the district student population.

From all indications, the team finds that Lights On! is having a tremendous impact on the community. The primary benefit of these new opportunities (Lights On! classes) is the building of self-esteem for adult learners which filters down to their children.