By Alvin Engelke

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church.

The Calhoun road crew was in the Creston area Saturday with the wood chipper doing FEMA work.

Beth Watson, age 49, daughter of Mick and Betty Monroe Watson passed away after a long illness. Her grandmother, Viola Grace Hopkins Monroe was a native of Island Run.

It was learned that Jimmie Tucker, husband of the former Phyllis Arthur and father of Ricky & Randy Tucker & the late Rocky Tucker passed away up in Ohio.

John Morris helped Pea Nut spread some lime on the steep part of the dePue hill.

There is a big sawmill operation down on Tommy Gay Wright's property. The poplar trees that had been cut are now being sawed up into lumber.

A number of local residents were calling on Euell Russell at Miletree and his cousin Kelly Lockhart called him up on the phone.

Some local folks were held up in traffic while Geokinetics did the seismic work in Calhoun & Gilmer Counties for unspecified clients. Apparently the out of state oil & gas men believe that it is appropriate to help hold down the unemployment rates for Juarez, Tijuana & Nuevo Laredo. The story always was, "Americans wouldn't do that kind of work." At the same time the official rate in the U. S. went to 9.9% with the real value at over 17%. That is change one can believe in!

Local folks have been following the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. Last year the big eared one gave BP [British Petroleum], formerly known as Anglo Persian Oil Company, a waiver from certain rules. During the last election cycle the firm gave significant contributions to the "Messiah". It seems that the federal government had a pre approved spill plan (dating from 1994) but after 9 days someone was calling all over the world trying to find the items needed to contain & burn the oil. The government man overseeing such matters had gone on a float trip after the rig caught fire. The administration's point man on this, Senor Salazar, said he would keep a boot on the throat of BP. One might assume that would make for good rapport all around. With $800,000 worth of oil being lost each day it is likely that the company will make every effort to try to solve the problem.

Speaking of disasters, Massey Energy ran a full page ad in the Parkersburg News asking that the investigation of the recent mine blast be public so that all will know what happened. One wonders if the investigators will agree to be out in the open too.

Speaking of investigators, apparently Inspector Clue-So was on the case of the would be Pakistani bomber of Times Square. When real newspapermen went to the terrorist's former abode they found all sorts of evidence that the hotshot federal people left behind. Sorta gives one 'reassurance' doesn't it? Someone mentioned "Sherlock Napolitano" was on top of things.

Equitable Gas, now called EQT announced that they were going to abandon some of their old gas lines and that they were going to build new ones in certain areas to tie into Marcellus production. The new gathering lines would have 1200 lb pressure and new lines will be built paralleling existing transmission lines north of this area. Discussion of other lines was curtailed noting that such was "top secret". Those lines include the new one in Roane & Jackson, the ones in Lewis, Upshur, Webster, etc. Roane oilmen "Sam" McKown & Junior Hildreth attended the EQT presentation.

Reflecting the volatility on Wall Street, including the largest drop in prices ever, the price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil fell to $68/bbl.

The federal government continues to advertise various welfare programs and now, it is reported 40 million are getting food stamps. Of course when one continues to promote the welfare state one ends up like Greece with its riots. American taxpayers will get to help feed the rioters there as part of "its too big to fail doctrine".

The Creston Community donation auction will he held June 5. If you have stuff you don't want, call, we'll pick it up for "one man's trash is another man's treasure." This is one of those auctions where there will be something for everybody. Be sure to save the date.