
Kathleen H. Taylor

Welcome back to Beason.

We would like to wish a speedy recovery to Orville Bonnell. We heard that he had been on the sick list for some time. Unfortunately, I didn't receive that news until today.

I would like to make sure everyone knows it was Heather's (from 7-11) birthday this past Saturday. Please make sure you stop by and tell her happy birthday if you haven't already. We celebrated her birthday by a trip to the mall on Saturday. We ventured into some of the mall's finest of tacky stores and had some interesting conversation with the staff in the last store we visited.

Pete Rose was also visiting Grand Central Mall this past weekend. His management tried their best to convince us that we needed to shake Pete's hand and get an autograph for the small cost of $65. I might've done it for free, but, he could also expect a speech about being a positive role model while I was up there. All in all, I thought he should pay me $65 to shake my hand. Anyway, we ended the afternoon by lunching at Mariachi's (formerly the El Ranchero). We had a great day and hope to do it again soon.

Our first "real" T-Ball game is on Tuesday evening. We did really well in our scrimmage game so I hope we will do well again. We decided to make hot dogs for our scrimmage game and they sold really well. We want to thank everyone who supported our team by buying one!

I want to give a shout-out to the coolest guy I know named "Dave". We would like to thank Dave for his generosity by donating to our T-Ball team. We would also like to thank his crew for helping to carry stuff to the car. Thanks guys!

I have been trying to get back in the habit of exercising. It's really hard to do that when I haven't been really making an effort in some time. Our beach vacation will be here before I know it and I'm not going out in public looking the way I do right now. I don't want to scare anyone. However, that would clear any crowd problems we might be having on the beach.

Love and happiness to you for the upcoming week.