The Calhoun Commission has tenuously prepared a budget for 2002-03 at a
special meeting held this week, but not without suffering through mandated
costs from the State of West Virginia.
Commission President Larry McCallister says "It is a challenging task."
The Commission was advised they are expected to pay $44,995 for
telecommunications, computer, maintenance and support services to the
State Tax Department for the Assessors Office.
The county is currently paying other mandated charges to the State of West
Virginia for computer lines and other fees of about $15,000. The costs for
the "state support" has risen for the Assessor's Office from $30,989 last
The costs to run the Assessor's Office, linked to Charleston is reaching
$60,000 a year.
The State Supreme Court is submitting a bill to the Commission for $8,383
for a recent audit, partially linked to discrepancies in former Magistrate
Steve Johnson's office. Another audit last year cost about $7,500, which
doubled the former costs.
The Commission did receive a Supreme Court "redistribution" of about
$12,000 to help defray magistrate court charges. The county provides space,
utilities and pays for phone lines, in addition to assuming some costs of a
new two-way video system which is purported to improve and reduce costs
for arraignments and hearings at Central Regional Jail.
"These are just some of the mandated costs to counties," said Commission
President Larry McCallister. "Not to mention the burden of the regional jail
charges, which continue to increase."
The line items listed in the $1,112,701.00 budget.
County Commission - $79,700
County Clerk - $100,470
Circuit Clerk - $78,717
Sheriffs Office - $132, 910
Prosecuting Attorney - $69,000
Assessor - $113,000
Circuit Judge - $1,200
Community Development - $9,850
Regional Develop Authority - $2,345
Elections - $19,400
Courthouse - $146,665
Law Enforcement - $82,894
Service of Process $9,770
Mental Health - $3,000
Vital Statistics - $200
County Park - $22,700
Emergency Services - 0
Statewide Computer - $44,995
Regional Jail - $60,000
Valuation - $22,000
Dog Warden - 0
Tobacco Grant Program - $28,000
Health Department - $1,000
WV Extension Office - $1,300
E-911 - $83,585
Miscellaneous - 0