Submitted by Carl J. Collins
Welding Technology Instructor
Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center
Welding Technology Class - The class would be an evening welding course. The class will run 3 hours per week for 10 weeks. A minimum of 5 students is needed. The following areas of study may be available: SMAW (Stick), GMAW (Mig) Steel, GMAW (Mig) Aluminum, FCAW (Mig) Steel, GTAW (Tig) Steel, GTAW (Tig) Aluminum, Oxy-fuel Cutting, Oxy-fuel Welding, Oxy-fuel Brazing, Plasma Arc Cutting, Air Carbon Arc (gouging).
C-GCC also offers training for WV State Certification in plate and pipe welding. The cost of the class will be $175. If you are interested in any of these areas of welding technology and would like to enroll in the course please call Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center at 304-354-6151 by February 12th.
Cabinet & Wood Crafting Class - The class would be an evening course and the anticipated length would be 10 weeks 3 hours a week. A minimum of 5 students is needed. The class would include: shop safety, and operation of equipment (band saw, jointer, planer, moulder, lathe, router, table saw, radial arm saw, miter saw, and hand tools); plane and finishing lumber; sizing lumber for project design; joint design for side and door panels; gluing and jointing material; style and rail designs; cabinet design (prints and patterns); flat vs. raised panels; tongue and groove lumber; drawer designs; edge designs; production of molding; preparation for finish; and staining and finishing methods. The cost of the class would be $150. If interested please call 304-354-6151 by February 12th.