A former Grantsville man has been arrested in Weston for carrying a concealed weapon, in addition to multiple other charges.

West Virginia State Police have charged Christopher Todd Smith, 38, of 531 West Second Street, with carrying a concealed deadly weapon, driving while suspended, non-DUI; failure to change address on operator's license, and no insurance, according to a criminal complaint.

Cpl. D. L. Cayton said the charges came about after a traffic stop in Weston, discovering Smith had three unpaid citations with his driving privileges revoked.

During a search Cpl. Cayton said he discovered an 11" knife concealed along the right side of the driver's seat.

Weston City Police said they are investigating the recent death of Smith's girlfriend, Kelli Lawson, waiting for an autopsy report.

The Lewis County magistrate Court reported Smith has also been charged with issuing several worthless checks to Jerry's Sporting Goods of Horner, in the amount of $52.99, $131.33, and $29.67, indicated in the criminal complaint.