During the snowstorm this past week Pleasant Hill PSD customers were without service because of a broken power line.
"Thanks to the efforts of several people and companies, we were able to restore water service to our customers two days before the power company could get here," said Dale Cunningham.
Cunningham said Jr. Ferrell, owner and operator or Bruce Allen Inc., transported a generator from Ripley to get the pump going, with the assistance of
Jim Hildreth from Boyles and Hildreth, who coordinated the electrical work.
Allen Dawson and Dennis Norman of Megan Oil and Gas transported and operated a bulldozer.
Steve Bower and Associates, connected and did all electrical work, assisted by Jeff Engle of Pleasant Hill PSD and Alan Bell of Grantsville Water Dept.
"The Pleasant Hill PSD is grateful to these people that gave of their time and resources to help so many people," concluded Cunningham.