By Alvin Engelke

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.

Eva G. Pennington hasn't been feeling the best lately.

The Creston area presently is snow covered although after the State Road came with the salt truck the roads were cleared off and there was no trouble locally with travel. A good crowd showed up for the Creston auction in spite of the threatened inclemency.

Bobby Ray & Wilma Starcher, along with Carole attended a continuing education seminar for auctioneers at Jane Lew.

There was a big excitement with the adrenalin flowing when Renee Gray shot her first deer up on Ann's Run. She noted that next year she was looking for a trophy buck. Excitement might be somewhat of an understatement.

Nancy Kirby graduated from Glenville State College.

Nancy Engelke toured the Governor Stephenson house in Parkersburg, Sunday afternoon. Not so long back the urban renewal folks wanted to demolish it "in the name of progress". The new owners are restoring the historic mansion.

The general consensus locally seems to be that quite a number of the DNR's deer were harvested with muzzle loader season, etc. still on tap. Those who don't get food stamps have been canning deer so as to not go hungry. Of course there is all this talk about hunger but last summer those who are now on the dole were not interested in growing gardens and taking care of themselves. Apparently some feel "entitled to be kept by others who work."

Jeremy Ferrell is doing well after being knifed in Parkersburg by a large gentleman who believed in the redistribution of the wealth.

Charles & Euell Russell were consulting their Podiatrist and attending to business in Spencer. Charles also had blood work done at the Minnie Hamilton Medical facility in Grantsville and then later dined at a popular Grantsville eatery.

Not so long back there was quite a stink when the Big Boss's daughter was given an MBA degree from the university up at Morgantown. After the story was told in the Pittsburgh newspapers the degree was withdrawn and the gent who lives in the fancy pad with big flat screen tee vees in every room claimed he "knew nothing". Now Mr. Perdue, the State Treasurer who wants to be governor and his missus who heads up the State Grievance board were the topic of a federal grand jury for trying to influence their daughter's grade in a class at Marshall. Some think Earl Ray had a hand in the matter, as he too wants the job.

It has been reported on good authority that in addition to the various problems facing the state's U. S. Senator who used to play the fiddle, the little Rockefeller boy now has medical problems in addition to the lack of mobility problems that aren't allowed to be photographed. This will bring an end to his plan to be ambassador to Japan, Great Britain, Panama, Lower Slobbovia or wherever.

Cap & Tax (Cap & Trade) continues to be a big topic and now the big conference is going on in Copenhagen Denmark. 1200 limousines were required for the "earth friendly, green conference" which meant that limos had to be fetched in from other nations to haul the dignitaries who, of course, don't walk nor ride bicycles. 140 private jets fetched those who wouldn't consider sail boats, trains, busses or commercial planes. There are so many planes that they have to be stored in Sweden as there isn't room at the Copenhagen airport.

Rooms for the gala event run $1,000/night with scallops, foie gras & sculpted caviar on the menu. Of course the U. S. taxpayers will be stuck with most of the bills either directly or indirectly through the united nations. All this in spite of the fact that the fraud is now available for all to see. Of course groups like Goldman Sachs, Albert Gore, Jr., General Electric and others who plan to get rich "going green" are trying to ignore what is now the obvious. For those who want to read an explanation of what has come out a good article is in the December 6 American Thinker written by Marc Sheppard called "Understanding Climategate's Hidden Decline". The article shows how the infamous 'hockey stick' graph was, shall we say, generated.

The price of local Penn grade crude oil dropped to $68.50/bbl Equitable Gas (EQT) said they want more leases in Jackson County but they are not talking realistic lease terms.