Grantsville firemen responded to a brush fire near the Calhoun-Gilmer line on State
Route 5 Thursday evening.
Fire was burning over a few acres of meadow land and threatening to spread into the
woods. Reports from the scene said the fire started as a control burn.
Firemen had to "come in the back way" from the Stumptown area, since the fire could
not be accessed across the Little Kanawha River. It was brought under control.
Fire season starts today, March 1, with outdoor burning allowed between 4 p.m. and 7
a.m. Violators will be fined up to $300 for daytime burning.
The State Division of Forestry is asking all residents refrain from burning until an inch
of rain falls in their area. Forest fire risk is presently high.
The current risk for forest fires is much the same as the fall season, which saw
thousands of acres burned in West Virginia.