Calhoun residents can get a free E-911 locator sign and mounting stake by calling 394-354-0911 and leaving a message.
E-911 Locator Sign Installation Instructions:
The purpose of E-911 Locator Signs is to make it easier for emergency personnel to find your home in case of emergency.
Please follow these instructions when installing your sign.
1. E-911 Locator signs are not mailbox signs. You must not place the sign on your mailbox unless: (a) your mailbox is on the same side of the road as your house and (b) your mailbox is at the end of your driveway or in front of your house.
2. Place the sign in a location where it is clearly visible from both directions. Emergency personnel may be coming to your house from either direction.
3. If your house is 50 feet or less from the road, your sign may be placed on your house. Again, make sure that it is clearly visible from both directions.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important E-911 Addressing effort.
Our goal is to help save lives, protect property, and assist with public safety.
Properly placed locator signs will help make this possible.