Submitted by Tami Allen

Thirteen staff members stayed at school until 7 p.m. on September 22 to work on the Five Year Strategic Plan. Principal Jeannie Wade opened up the meeting by asking, "What is Arnoldsburg?" She encouraged the staff to consider the values and strengths of Arnoldsburg.

Staff members in attendance reviewed and revised the mission statement and core beliefs and then broke into work sessions. The staff will meet again on September 29th to work on the plan.

Parents, guardians, students, and others who are interested in AES will be given an opportunity to look at the five year plan and give suggestions for improvement.

AES students had the opportunity to attend the Molasses Festival at Arnoldsburg Park on September 25. The students saw molasses making demonstrations, arts and crafts exhibits, and a demonstration from Calhoun County's 19th regiment of the Virginia Cavalry Company A - "The Moccasin Rangers". The PTO paid the admission for the students so they could participate in the rides and activities.

AES said good-bye and best wishes to Title 1 teacher, Mrs. Linda Edwards. She retired this week after twenty years of service to Calhoun County. The staff celebrated with cake and ice cream and purchased a rocking chair for her. Linda will be greatly missed.

Upcoming Events:

October 6: Open House - 6:00 p.m.

October 16: Parent Workshop - 2:00 p.m.

October 23: ISE Day