
With a number of bids submitted (L-R) Attorney Loren
Howley, Mayor Gary Knight and the project engineers
open documents on Grantsville wastewater project

Grantsville's much-needed improvements on the town's sewage system moved forward yesterday with the opening of a number of bids on the $2.2 million project.

Famco, Inc, was the low bidder on the update of the sewage plant at $1,277,000.

The Green River Group was the low bidder on lift station improvements at $724,000.

A bid was opened for a new dump truck from Metheney Motors at $49,950.

The project was started in 2006.

The Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements include renovations of headworks, repair to existing SBR tank, repairs to existing sludge holding tank, construction of a new sludge holding tank, and construction of a sludge cake pump.

Pump stations will be upgraded at Sav-A-Tool, Mollohan site, Industrial Park, Phillips Run and the Shirley Hosey property.

Engineers will be further reviewing the low bids, prior to awarding the contracts.