The Mid-Ohio Valley Chapter of the American Red
Cross announces the placement of a member of
VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) to
promote capacity building in rural West Virginia
counties. VISTA member Elizabeth Fligor began
her year of service August 31st.
Her duties
will include recruitment of AmeriCorps members
and the establishment of five satellite offices
in Pleasants, Jackson, Roane, Ritchie and
Calhoun Counties.
These new offices will offer
local convenience to recruit and train adult
volunteers for emergency preparedness and to
establish youth oriented Red Cross clubs.
Ms. Fligor will promote Red Cross presence in the
eight counties serviced by the Mid-Ohio Valley
Chapter (Wood, Wirt, Roane, Ritchie, Pleasants,
Calhoun, Jackson and Gilmer) through financial
development and media relations.
Ms. Fligor will
contact community leaders to discuss capacity
building opportunities and encourages county
residents who would like to participate in any
capacity of Red Cross to contact her through the
Wood County headquarters at 304-485-