Ron Blankenship was given a two-year contract last night to continue as
Calhoun's Superintendent of Schools. The Calhoun Board of Education
rehired the administrator at $81,000 a year, an increase from his current
salary. Blankenship is completing a three year agreement. The vote was 5-0
in favor, after an executive session.
Blankenship's contract renewal ends speculation over local interest about
those seeking the position.
Board members extended their congratulations to the Red Devil's Wrestling
Team for becoming the L-K Champions.
Expulsion hearings on the agenda were postponed.
A discussion was held on a change in policy related to early entrance for
kindergarten students.
Jean Simers classification was changed linked to her education, giving her
more years of experience, which could qualify her for an increase in pay or
Hirings included Roger Chennoweth, South End Activity Bus (Lights On!);
Roscoe Gainer, Head Baseball Coach; James Morford, Assistant Baseball
Coach; David White, Head Softball Coach; Larry Harris, Homebound Teacher;
Jeff Church, Assistant Softball Coach; Amanda Richards, Mentor (Lights On!)
and Megan Carpenter, Tutor/Mentor (Lights On!).
Change of Status, Marshall Bever, Richard Trites and Calvin Nicholas from
$15 a day to $20.
Superintendent Blankenship advised the Board about a $65,000 technology
grant for Pleasant Hill and Arnoldsburg Schools, and an "IDEA" grant for
$24,000 for Arnoldsburg and Calhoun Middle School for special student
needs. These grants are in addition to $715,000 obtained through the School
Building Authority of West Virginia to take care of problems at Pleasant Hill
Administrator Greg Cartright told board members about a new program,
Articulated Credit at Glenville State College, replacing the Dual Credit
Program. Cartright said the course currently open is Advanced Computer
Applications. Credit for college will be "held in escrow" at Glenville State.
After students register at GSC, there is no charge for the course.
Cartright also explained about high school diplomas. "All students get a
diploma," he said, "but students will also receive a 'Certificate of
Proficiency' and in some cases special recognition's or warranties based on
Sat-9 scores." The proficiency certificate is essentially a list of the student's
course of study.
The Board of Education collected information for their Board
Retirements acknowledged, Donna Brannon and Cheryl McCallister.
Job postings to be listed included Assistant Baseball Coach, Assistant
Softball Coach and Tutor Teacher at Pleasant Hill (Lights On!).
There was also a discussion about teacher's "Personal Leave Bank."
Volunteer agreements were approved for Arliss Miller and Bev Mullins.
David Bugby (K) was approved for transfer from Ritchie County.
Bills were also approved for payment.