
Pastor David Weaver and Edna Zwoll observe
planned improvements for historic Orma church

The Orma United Methodist Church is among the county's oldest operating churches, with it's door's open for nearly 200 years.

The small congregation has always celebrated a homecoming with "dinner on the ground," in years past attended by lots of former church members,

Pastor David Weaver said the church has been moving forward with a first major addition to the building, and a graduation from outhouses to inside toilets with the coming of public water to the West Fork.

"The footers have already been laid, and construction will happen this year," Weaver said.

Pastor David Weaver (left) has been serving the congregation since 2001

The church was first dedicated in 1812, downhill from the present structure along the banks of the West Fork. The Hammond Methodist Church was the responsibility of Joseph Brannon, Ed Parsons and Oliver Brannon.

In 1919, the church building was placed on log skids and moved to its present hillside location.

Carl Stalnaker with the help of community people, skidded the large structure up the hillside using the power of six oxen.

The church joined the Orma Cemetery, established years before.

Historians say changes across the years included coal stoves and oil lamps being replaced by electric lights and gas heat.

The original structure, not unlike many early churches, had entrances for men and women. That system was eliminated many years ago.

Other improvements over the years included siding, new windows and carpet.

Some of the ministers serving the church are, Reverends Hammond, A. P. Price, Glen Chancey, Hicks, Aldine Poling, Paul Conley, James Wilson, Johnny Alfred, David Lancaster, Kevin Church, and current pastor David Weaver.

Folks enjoyed a homecoming event last year

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