Norma Knotts Shaffer, Transcribed From Calhoun Chronicle

J.T. Waldo left Sunday for Clarksburg to attend the trial of his brother, who stands indicted in the Harrison county circuit court for murder.

The circumstances surrounding the case are such that it is believed the trial will not amount to much, and that his brother will be acquitted.

Waldo was on the police force at Clarksburg, when a fight was started on the street, and the people reported to him that a man had killed a boy, and he started to arrest him.

He made his escape, and attempted to swim the river some distance from where the disturbance occurred, when a boy on the opposite side hearing the hue and cry, shot and killed him.

At the time, Waldo was a mile or more away, and knew nothing of it until after it was all over.

It then developed that the man had not seriously hurt the boy, having only slapped him over.

Owing to a factional trouble in the police force, Waldo was indicted for the murder of the man, and his enemies are fighting the case hard against him.

The trial will come up at the term of their court which convenes the 8th, and we would be glad to learn of his acquittal and complete vindication.

R.G. Linn and several other prominent attorneys represent Mr. Waldo.


J.T. Waldo returned Tuesday from Clarksburg, where he had gone to assist in his brother Art's defense, on a charge of murder.

We are glad to announce that the verdict of "not guilty" was returned by the jury in the case.