CUB SCOUT PACK HOLD JANUARY MEETING - Webelo's Perform Flag Ceremony

Article and photos submitted by Joyce Williams

Cub Scout Pack #436 held their January Pack Meeting. The Webelo I Den performed a special flag ceremony before all scouts pledged their allegiance to the flag.

Cub scouts were given perfect attendance awards, pins they had earned during the month of January, prizes for selling popcorn and Quality Unit Patches to each scout.

Eli Dye, Zach Moore, Ben Sims, Cody Hickman,
Steven Keaffaber and Clinton Bush perform a flag ceremony during the opening of the pack meeting

Brandon Reed, 1st place winner, Peter Vassilopoulos, 2nd place winner and Rickey Swearengin (not shown), third place winner for selling the most popcorn in the pack during our annual popcorn fund raiser

Cub Scout Pack #436 would like to thank everyone who ordered popcorn. Profits from popcorn sales pay for scouts' achievement pins, attendance prizes, field trips, and craft projects throughout the year