By Sue Williams
The American Red Cross blood drive held at Brooksville Baptist Church Family Life Center, May 14th had 28 presenting donors and 25 units collected. The goal set was 25 units.
Sandra Kerby and Louis Rader each received their three gallon donor pin.
Donors for the day were - Debbie Griffin, Leo Hopkins, Darrell Bower, James Jones, Sue Williams, Louis Rader,
Donna Umstead, William Umstead, Calvin Ritchie, C.W. McDonald, Gloria Stevens, Roger Griffin, Courtney Toney,
Jackie Blankenship, Ronald Moran, Dexter Taylor, Harold Ullum, Ray Hall, Horst Motz, Gary Sloane, Brian Brennenman,
Jack Marks, Loretta Bell, Janet Gherke, Sandra Kerby, Kara Sears, David Cain, Kayla Hixon, and John Shaffer.
A delicious dinner of spaghetti and salad and desserts were served by the BBC ladies. Working the canteen were Ruth Bartlett, Gloria Stevens, Rosemary McDonald, Mary Bower, Kathy Hall and Sue Williams. Loaders and Unloaders were Leo Hopkins and Pastor McDonald.