Submitted by Joyce Morgan

Arnoldsburg Elementary School, with the assistance of Steve Albaugh, Speech Therapist, and Joyce Morgan RN, School Nurse are planning a "Safety Fun Day" at Arnoldsburg School on Thursday April 23, starting at noon.

Presenters will talk to students about safety and ways to prevent accidents.

Classes will consist of lessons on ATV safety by the Department of Highways, Officers from the WV Department of Natural resources will be doing a hunter safety class, E-911 will be teaching the importance of calling for help and knowing your address, WV Forestry including, Smokey the Bear will be explaining fire prevention, and Calhoun EMS will be showing an ambulance to the students and giving safety tips.

Mr. Westfall will be preparing the students for the gun safety presentation by teaching the Eddie Eagle Program for students during his health class.

Principal Bryan Sterns and the staff at Arnoldsburg Elementary want the students to be aware of how they can avoid potential danger and obtain needed assistance if necessary.

Students will follow a schedule that gives them the opportunity to listen, learn and ask questions at each safety station.

For information contact Joyce Morgan RN 304-354-6148 ext 19 or Mr. Sterns, 304-655-8616.