Submitted by Shelly Allen
The Verizon Foundation has awarded a
technology grant to the Calhoun County Laubach
Literacy Council, a West Virginia Laubach
Literacy council. This grant, issued in
collaboration with the Governor's Council on
Literacy and Mission West Virginia, provides
funds to over forty volunteer-based literacy
organizations to help their adult learners gain
access to technology. Grant funds will be used
to promote computer-based tutoring and include
educational software, Internet access, and a
West Virginia Laubach Literacy was founded
to provide free, confidential, one-on-one
tutoring to adults. Last year, local programs
served over 1,800 adult learners in West
Virginia. The certified volunteer tutors help
people to increase their reading, writing and
math skills, employability skills, and parenting
skills. The Verizon Foundation grant will help
these programs expand their services and offer
technologically-advanced instruction.
WV Laubach Literacy is affiliated with
Laubach Literacy Action, the oldest and largest
volunteer literacy provider in the world. LLA
represents over 101,000 volunteers from across
the nation and the world in offering over six
million hours of assistance to new readers.
For more information about enrolling in the
program as a student or becoming a tutor, call
Shelly Allen at the Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center,
354-6151 or Glada Stump or Phyllis Whipkey at the
Calhoun County Public Library, 354-6300.