By Alvin Engelke
Local residents continue to have troubles with internet providers. A service man
came and spent quite some time fixing matters, realigning the dish. etc. and then one hour
after he left The lights went off in the modem. A spokesman (salesman) for Verizon, the
local baby bell said that Creston would have DSL within three months. Those who live
between the county seat and "the end of the line" are urged to call Verizon and the PSC
(Public Service Commission) to help this along.
The big Creston ATV Poker run is scheduled for Saturday, April 18 with sign-up
starting at 9 A. M. It was noted that this ride may be the most challenging of any of the
Creston poker runs. There are steep banks with deep ditches; rough terrain and mud holes
to fit all sizes. Those who don't wish to get in over the handlebars can go around them by
being careful. Some said, "We want mud!" Well, this route has it and for certain no one
has gone four wheeling on part of this route before - guaranteed.
Local residents have been feasting on morel (Morchella) mushrooms as well as
ramps and greens. The turkeys are gobbling, toads have been trilling and grass is
growing. Red bud, peaches, pears, maples & elm are all in bloom.
The Easter party sponsored by the Little Creek Community Church and the
Creston Area Neighborhood Watch was a wild success Sunday afternoon. Rev. William
Delmas Stutler gave a great scripture lesson which was followed by a meal. The tables
were loaded with all kinds of food. Afterward there was an egg hunt for the younger set
and "The Easter Bunny" showed up and even gave four wheeler rides (in a trailer
complete with hay) for those who wanted. Later someone reported that someone was
seen going down W. Va. 5 riding an ATV in a bunny suit but that the rider didn't look
anything like one of Hugh Hefner's bunnies.
W. Harrison Schenerlein IV was an overnight guest at the Engelke residence and
attended the Creston Easter party. He didn't care tor the "Easter Bunny".
Sheriff Keith Wilson was the featured speaker at the Creston Area Neighborhood
Watch meeting Monday evening.
Local residents followed the action of the Somaliland pirates and were proud that
the Navy seals "made good ones" out of three of the savages & rescued the American
boat captain. Back something over 200 years ago there was a similar problem off the
northern coast of Africa and President Thomas Jefferson sent in the marines who burned
and sunk all their ships and destroyed all their nests and sent many or most of them to the
"paradise where they could hunt for their 72 virgins." Apparently such is no longer PC
(politically correct). We could be considered "cruel" if the survivors in Mogadishu were
forced to crawl through the desert looking for scorpions and such to eat.
The big eared one sent the Acorn demonstration squad out over the bonuses that
were paid the AIG top brass but the folks at Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae, the two
government run companies that made the mess got more bonuses and no objection.
Chesapeake Energy's Aubrey McClendon who lost most of his stock in the company to a
$1/2 billion margin call received a $75 million payment in addition to his salary. A
company spokesperson said that they would hold off until 2010 for new drilling because
of the economic condition of the nation. The firm recently sent pink slips to most of their
employees at their Mouth of the Elk office.
The dear leader said that we should all make sacrifices for the country but details
were usually vague. Then some of his folks noted that there should only be 150 million
residents in the United States (in spite of accepting tens of millions of illegal aliens, etc.).
Does this mean that half of us will be expected to "make the ultimate sacrifice?" After
Mao Tse Tung took over China the beggars suddenly disappeared as did "enemies of the
people". They now do forced abortions if a woman has already had one child and
America's taxpayers are funding the baby killing, it seems.
David A. Mohler. Richard D. Dunbar & Thomas N. Whittier were all attending to
business in Creston.
The price of local Penn grade crude oil fell to $43.25/bbl.