By Alvin Engelke

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Melody Wilt and John Bingman were among those calling on Mary Bingman.

The local area has been having maple syrup weather with cold nights and some warm days. Ramps are up and local residents have been feasting on the tasty delights.

A large flock of robins was checking out fields along the Richardsonville road.

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell were attending to business in Parkersburg.

Mr. & Mrs. Garry Anderson were among a group who went four wheeling over the weekend.

Some local residents attended the Agriculture (Farm Bureau) and Forestry day at the legislature. It was learned that the Big Boss had put the kabosh on the surface owners rights bill. The Big Boss also wants to put severance tax on stripper wells which would mean that the companies that pay oil royalties direct would be forced to pay net royalties (a violation) and that producing companies would have to write supplemental checks to the property owners. There is also proposed legislation over who owns "pore space" which would be used for carbon dioxide sequestration. After reading the Big Boss's proposed legislation, one fellow asked, "What does this really mean?" One thing for sure it sets up a new state agency which will provide jobs for perhaps another generation of Manchin family members.

The "Taste of West Virginia" reception was, as usual, a fine evening of the best food that one could find anywhere - beef, buffalo, pork, turkey, chicken, lamb and all the trimmings. Several West Virginia wine makers were on hand with their prize vintages. Holl's Chocolates were served to finish out the meal.

It was learned that a number of cattle in southeastern West Virginia have lost the use of their back legs and have died. In all cases the hind legs are found to be sticking straight back & animals that have been lifted up have no use of the legs.

It was reported that the Big Eared One's little wife said she was going to grow vegetables in the White House garden, okra, collards, etc. One can wonder if the proposed new federal Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 (HR 875) will allow such. Under the new law the federal government will regulate food production at all levels with fines for violations of up the $1 million/day regardless of the size of the farm or business. It was noted that there is no new enforcement of food safety for items produced in China, Mexico, Haiti, etc. Also, lest one forget the US FDA knew about the filthy conditions at the peanut butter processing plant in Georgia and destroyed the samples that had been sent to them. Of course when enterprises are shut down in America, foreigners are more than willing to "take up the slack". Of course in third world countries there are no pesky OSHA inspectors, restrictions on pesticides, hormones and sanitation guidelines.

In addition there is the "Food Safety and Tracking Improvement Act" (SB 425) which gives the federales even more control with an obvious plan to eliminate all "non-corporate" farms, farm markets, etc. Congress critter Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn) is the wife of Stanley Greenberg of the Monsanto Corp. and she is promoting the house bill.

Not so long back at a fundraiser in a nearby state the inspectors came in & noticed that the pies had been baked by some of the women in the community. The inspectors, in the interest of food safety, of course, banned sales of the desserts. One might assume that some fellows have idle time on their hands and the powers that be want to stop non-government fundraisers for any event as all must come from "the state".

George Soros, the Big Eared One and the lackeys in the congress have been raising a big furor over the AIG employees being paid their retention bonuses as set forth in their employment contracts. As should be obvious it is all an orchestrated distraction as the White House had Sen. Dodd (the Countrywide mortgage kid) specifically allow the bonus payments. Not talked about are the billions that were sent to foreign banks, etc. All this is part of the plan outlined by Saul Alinsky to create chaos and upset among the voters so those "in charge" can, while others are looking elsewhere, take control. Some may have read of Crystalnacht in Germany when Adolph, another great leader, speaker and communicator, was consolidating his power.

As part of "change" there were to be no more "earmarks" but the last bill that the messiah had passed had just under 9,000 of them to take care of "needy" buddies of various well-connected "public servants." Of course, next time it will be different and the budget will be cut. But then, again, the old horse on "Animal Farm" was sent to the glue factory. Can euthanasia for the elderly be too far away? After all that would "save tax dollars" and their votes would no longer be needed anyway.

The price of propane is just under 62 cents/gallon with n-butane just over 76 cents and natural gasoline (drip or mountain high test) at 96.1 cents/gallon. The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil was $44.75 over the weekend.

There has been a large amount of excavation & work involving vacuum trucks at the Brooksville oil terminal.

Dominion (Mother Hope) announced that volumes to be transported in the Appalachian Gateway project had to be reduced. Grantsville (Pod 7) was reduced 30%; Grantsville South (Pod 8) was reduced 16% while Cornwell (Pod 9) was reduced 50%. It was stated that the reductions were based on the economy.

While there is now the highest unemployment since Jimmy Carter was in charge, Mrs. Pelosey wants to make sure that millions of illegal aliens are on hand "to do the work and soak up the government benefits". She said those lawbreakers "were patriotic". When one travels over the country one notes that many (and in some places most) that one sees working speak Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, etc. While many jobs require physical exertion, most of these jobs are not "the so called minimum wage jobs that American workers won't do." The problem is much more severe and needs to be addressed and not by being overrun by foreign invaders. The words, "jobs that Americans won't do" generally is code language for farm workers. Since many of those jobs are "piece work", good workers make respectable incomes, not "minimum wage".

Some folks have been camping "down on the point" while it is reported that someone has been staying in the former Jimmy Scott (Mart & Blanche Boggs) house.

Jeremy Ferrell caught a red horse sucker. Carl Ferrell and P. E. Graham were to both undergo stress tests.

Bernard H. Stonestreet, age 89, of Spencer passed away. He was one of the founders of Stonestreet Lands Company and Stonestreet Charlais Ranch. Stonestreets were active drillers for many years.