The Calhoun County League has extended sign-ups for the following teams, Grantsville Major League Baseball; Arnoldsburg T-ball, Minor and Major League Baseball; and County-wide Junior League Baseball

The League is also looking for Coaches in the Arnoldsburg and Grantsville areas and County-wide umpires.

For more information, please contact Jeannie Wade, President 304-655-7222 or email Dee Starcher 304-655-7170, Samantha Erlewine 304-354-0124 or Jennifer Moore, 304-655-7465. You may also sign-up at Houchin's Laundromat in Arnoldsburg on Tuesday and Thursday, March 24 and 26 from 5 to 7 p.m.

Upcoming dates:

March 29 - Manager and Coach's mandatory meeting and Board of Directors Meeting - Arnoldsburg Park 2:00 p.m.

March 30 - First day for Little League (Major) practices.

April 13 - First day for Minor league and T-ball practices.