By Janet Siers

Besides the four walls you have to continually stare at during the winter months, the weather plays a big role in helping people acquire Cabin Fever. What do you do to combat this horrific, degenerative mood erasing dilemma?

Sometimes a cure will require more than just an environment re-location - you may have to prescribe yourself to some ole fashion out-of-doors activity. The time change this week-end and the full moon on the 10th may help us a little.

Easter Lilies and my Naked Ladies are coming up. I love the promise of Spring. Business has picked up a little I believe because of this dilemma and that is a good thing. The better you look the better you feel.

Ruby had her third birthday party Saturday. I was unable to attend but sent her flowers. I'm looking forward to visiting with Heather and the girls on Thursday.

Wanda Richards, Genie and Ariah Bailey came down for hair cuts. Genie brought me some nice things from doing some of her Spring cleaning. Thanks! We always have a good visit.

Blaine King visited with me and brought Delphia our cat some of her favorite cat food.

My rooster and his hen have been roosting in the big pine trees out back of the house. Maybe that's another sign of spring. Chickens are hard to understand but I'm sure they know what they're doing. It's interesting to see the changes they go through.

Everyone have a wonderful week!