Submitted by Amber Price
Pleasant Hill Elementary is kicking off their Spring fundraiser, which will run from March 2 to March 16. The funds raised will go toward new kindergarten playground equipment and a pavilion for the playground. All PHE students will have catalogs with wonderful items to buy, along with the order forms. Please help support our school.
Pictured (L-R) Hannah Johnson, Chase Templon, Savannah
Cowger, Kaylin Parsons, Summer Jones, Austin Coon, Emma Fox
Kindergarten celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday on March 2. Many of the students dressed-up as their favorite Dr. Seuss character. All kindergarten classes made Dr. Seuss hats, read stories, and did fun activities that honored Dr. Seuss.
Pictured (L-R) Trinity Yeager,
Jordan Yoak, and Dustin Radabaugh
The Writing Assessment will be March 30-April 3 for third and fourth graders. Students will be responsible for reading and answering a writing prompt. Students will then write a well-constructed paper, using all the skills and writing techniques they have been practicing all year. Students will also be expected to type these papers and submit them. This score will be counted as part of the overall WESTEST score.
Pleasant Hill will host the Board of Education meeting Tuesday, March 17 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held upstairs in the cafeteria.