
Foodland manager Sarah Tingler kicks off the new year-round Christmas drive for Calhoun kids, shown donating to Extension Agent Curt Garretson

For six years, Calhoun Extension Agent, Curtis Garretson, has volunteered for an annual Christmas toy drive in Morgantown.

This past Christmas Calhouners Jean Simers, Barb McKown, Sam Cason, and Nancy Bremar joined him in Morgantown, volunteering for the day in the drive.

Several groups in the county hope to implement a similar program here.

The program allows parents to have the opportunity to select 3-5 gifts for each of their children under the age of 18.

In addition to receiving toys, the families also take home food, books, hats, scarves, and gloves.

"This program actually allows parents to make selections from a wide variety of toys and gifts, making it more personalized for each family," said Garretson.

A collaborative has been formed to bring this project to Calhoun, now called Calhoun Christmas Connections.

Currently the agencies involved are FRN, CRI, WVU Extension Service, DHHR, Minnie Hamilton Health Care Systems, Friends of Minnie Hamilton, Foodland, and The Minnora Mission.

Calhoun Christmas Connections is a year-long project that will replace the existing Angel Tree program in Calhoun County.

Starting now, CCC is accepting donations of new toys, books, scarves, gloves and mittens.

Those items can be dropped off at the FRN or the WVU Extension Service Office in Grantsville.

The items will be divided into age groups up to age 18.

CCC will also be accepting non-perishable food items at a later date.

The CCC does not wish to compete with the local food banks so they will work closely with them to ensure their monthly needs are being met.

In December 2009, the CCC will host a toy and food give-away for eligible participants.

Watch for upcoming toy and food drives.

If you or your agency or business desires to be a part of Calhoun Christmas Connections, or to make a donation, please contact Jean Simers at 354-7177.