Barnes Run resident Everett "Nicky" Kerby, 18, a passenger in a friend's car, was
critically injured in Nashville Friday. The Kerby youth is in a coma, suffering severe
head trauma, a collapsed lung, a broken shoulder, a ruptured spleen and multiple
other injuries, according to a family member.
Kerby was a 2001 graduate of Calhoun High School and was a student at Nashville
Auto Diesel. He had just returned to school from the Christmas holiday.
Vanderbilt Memorial Hospital in Nashville told family members his prognosis is
guarded, with recovery requiring several months.
The driver of the vehicle died instantly when the auto went across a median strip,
struck an oncoming vehicle and crashed against a concrete wall.
Warren "Bud" Kerby and his wife, Kim are in Nashville. "We appreciate the calls and
support from our friends, " said Kerby. "It is now in God's hands, and we appreciate all