The Calhoun Commission will discuss applications for grants for the
upcoming year during their January 7 meeting, which will also include the
election of the Commission president for the year.
The Commission will discuss the further processing of E-911 addressing in
the county, with a state board urging counties to slow down computerized
mapping, expressing concerns over dozens of different mapping systems
being used by the 55 counties.
Finding space for the new Family Court system in the courthouse, which
includes a court room and judge's office will be addressed.
The issue of whether to place Sunday hunting on the May ballot will be
decided. The Commission has received petitions requesting the issue to be
voted upon. There will also be a review of the court security grant.
Several Board appointments will be reviewed and some appointments will be
made. The Commission will also set the February dates for the Board of
Equalization Review, in addition to other routine business.