Pleasant Hill Corn Poppers 4-H Club
By Cole Ritchie, Club Reporter

The Pleasant Hill Corn Poppers 4-H club met November 12.

Fifteen members, 1 leader, and 2 volunteers were present. The pledges were recited by all in attendance.

The 4-H poster contest is being planned for the upcoming months. The club also discussed fund raisers but no plans were made.

Refreshments were served by some of the members and games were led by the recreation leaders.

Next meeting is being planned for the second week of December.

Grantsville Guppies 4-H Club
Andrea Frymier, Club Reporter

The Grantsville Guppies 4-H Club meeting was November 6.

The meeting was called to order by President, Jeffery Miller. The Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge were led by Sarah Jones and Rebbicca Newlon.

Members discussed fundraisers and voted to sell chances on a Super Bowl basket. They also chose committees. A gift exchange is planned for the next meeting.

The members took a tour of the bank, with Sandra McCumbers showing several rooms and explaining some different jobs in the bank.

The meeting was adjourned and others attending were, Valarie Barr, Ryan Swearingen, Tea Boatright, Jessica Moore, Amber and Andrea Frymier, Kathy Barr, Ann and April Frymier.

Next meeting is scheduled for December 11th, 4 p.m., at the Calhoun Court House. New members are encouraged to join.