By Alvin Engelke

The Creston area which had been having unseasonable warm & dry weather had some rain. The deer were moving about indicating a major weather change.

Peck Jones fetched in some fine top dollar logs to the BPB (Stella Jones) log yard at Annamoriah.

The election results have been talk in Creston as well as the rest of the world. One local fellow received a sympathy card from the friends of "the Big Boss" and the "Big O". To sum things up the oligarchy that has ruled W. Va. since 1928 and has made W. Va. #50 on most of the good listings & #1 on the bad listings was given four more years to do more of the same. On the national level the SDS folks who 40 years ago talked of violent overthrow of the government have now taken over in what so far has been a bloodless coup. Their educator friends "taught" a generation to be so gullible as to believe Marxism is wonderful & that America (in their eyes) is bad. Barry Hussein's "internet army" might take down folks in America &, no doubt, will be used against those who would question "The Messiah" but it will likely not be of much force to deal with real threats from Russia and others who see opportunity and have already made clear their intentions.

Jeremy, Brandon & Andrea Ferrell were calling on Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell.

Nancy Engelke was consulting with Dr. I. Yankem and the folks at Roane General Hospital.

Potter Katz was visiting friends at the Rick Starcher residence while Black Magic was consulting with Dr. Cain.

Mr. & Mrs. Bill McFee, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Engelke & Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jones attended the W. Va. Farm Bureau annual meeting in Flatwoods. National FB president Bob Stahlman gave the main speech. The comely Sara Beecher saw to it that the local folks were well fed while attending the meeting. There were several excellent presentations at the meeting covering various subjects of general interest. It is always good to get to visit with friends from all over the state.

Chesapeake Energy announced that they are going to drill a well to 22,443' on Vineyard Ridge in Roane County. According to the company they plan to target the Newburg, Tuscarora, Trenton. Black River, Beekmantown, Rose Run, Copper Ridge, Conasuaga, Rome and the Basement (granite). Their predecessor, CNR previously drilled a number of Oriskany wells in the area. The new well which they call the Robey Knight #1 will start out with a 36" conductor, 30" through the fresh water and end up with 22,401' of 5 ½" production casing. The company indicated that they planned to use the power of the state to force those who would not agree to their 1/8th net leases to go along but on their web site they have articles showing that elsewhere the base royalty on wells is 20% (1/5th) and those who do not sign end up with 60% of the income for their shares (after recovering costs of the drilling) and the 20% royalty is paid during the recovery of the drilling costs.

The price of local Penn grade crude is now $54.75/bbl. Some talk that the "boom is over" and some rigs are now idle but in the past week 16 new horizontal well permits were issued including 7 in Jackson County. There were, among the regular well permits 16 more Marcellus wells scattered from Ritchie County through Gilmer & Clay Counties down to Wyoming County.

According to reports filed by Hard Rock Exploration there is about 100 feet of Marcellus west of Spencer and 750' of the Lower Huron which is now a popular zone for horizontal drilling, especially in southern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky.

The part of Tom's Run road that was paved was very nice but those who live up Peter Cave noted that nothing was done for them. Several areas on Route 5 have been fixed.

The exterminator was calling at some local residences killing pests. Alvin Engelke was consulting with the medical folks to deal with problems related to government ladybugs (Asiatic beetles). "I'm from the government & I'm here to help you." Of course there are no aphid infestations in the local pecan orchards - but then there are no local pecan orchards for pecan aphids to infest.