NURSE AIDE REFRESHER COURSE - The nurse aide refresher course is designed to allow the nurse aide to test rather than take a complete education program if they are in one of the two following categories:
(1) Have lost their registry status within the past five (5) years due to their inability to fulfill the Federal requirement to retrain by working for monetary compensation every twenty-four months since placement on the registry.
(2) Failed to re-register within the allowed time frames.
The school will need to verify that all potential candidates are eligible for this course: a. First and last name (as it appeared on certification); b. Last four digits of Social Security number.
The class will last 8 clock hours. The charge for the class will be based on the number of adults enrolled.
The class is being planned for Tuesday and Thursdays 5 to 7 p.m. for two consecutive weeks. A minimum of 5 students is needed. The cost will be $50.
If interested in the class, please call Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center, 354-6151 between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. weekdays to register prior to October 31, 2008.
WELDING TECHNOLOGY CLASS - The class would be an evening welding course. The class will run 3 hours per week for 10 weeks. A minimum of 5 students is needed. The following areas of study may be available.
1. SMAW (Stick)
2. GMAW (Mig) Steel
3. GMAW (Mig) Aluminum
4. FCAW (MIG) Steel
5. GTAW (TIG) Steel
6. GTAW (Tig) Aluminum
7. Oxy-fuel Cutting
8. Oxy-fuel Welding
9. Oxy-fuel Brazing
10. Plasma Arc Cutting
11. Air Carbon Arc (gouging)
The cost of the class will be $150 If you are interested in any of these areas of welding technology and would like to enroll in the course please call Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center at 354-6151 by October 31.