By Alvin Engelke

There has been unseasonably warm weather in the Creston area. Government ladybugs (Asiatic Beetles) have been pestering homeowners, getting into food, etc. and flies have been going after venison that has been harvested. There was more rain but the streams are still clear (and low).

Sonia Artibese was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cunningham who recently celebrated their 62nd. wedding anniversary.

The fall of the $61 billion energy giant Rnron has had major ramifications in the local scene. Elsewhere in the world Enron bought and sold electricity but locally they were one of the major natural gas buyers. With bankruptcy looming local producers feel they will lose at least 2 months gas production. Some local natural gas was sold for $1.52 for October production - a price that would have been good 30 years ago. There have already been layoffs and efforts are being made to minimize the impact.

It was learned that Cabot's deep hole on Road Fork near Five Forks came in at 40 million. Columbia Natural Resources Parker discovery well in Roane County came in at 5o million. Ardent is still drilling on Bull River and they still have been unable to buy pipeline right-of-way. In a new twist Dominion has come along and said, "We are a partner and we can condemn!" This would make the pipeline private most of the way and a utility line elsewhere which should be "very interesting". If nothing else this would mean that others could tap into the line and sell gas from other high pressure deep wells. Carter Oil which has been fronting for Fairman Drilling offered the City of spencer $20/acre for the property under Charles Fork Lake. Fairman has a location on Trace Fork in Gilmer County. It was learned that NISOURCE's Columbia Natural Resources subsidiary plans to start a well soon where the trend crosses US 119 near Potato Run.

Don Rhodes is a patient in the hospital.

R.A. Lynch was attending to business in Elizabeth.

Kelly Paving came and repaired the paving job down to the Bingman and Boggs settlement.

Anna Engelke and Fritzina spent the weekend at home. Mention was made that Alvin Engelke was fired as a cat sitter after he let the cute little kitten eat the wrong stuff. Speaking of feline news, Sheba is said to be living a regal life at her new home.

On December 9 there will be Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and then folks will go to the elizabeth church for the service at 11 a.m. which will feature singing by Rev. Bob Stanley, the Burning Springs preacher.

The comely Samantha Wilson, one of pulchritudinous residents of Mt. Zion ridge, wrote a nice card to the Wirt County road crew noting that she missed them. She also enclosed a packet with a white 'almost powder' noting that it was time for snow.

Some local residents have been called for jury duty.

Nancy Engelke was consulting with her orthopedic surgeon and her chiropractor. She learned that Dr. Meyers was going to get an assistant soon to help him with his practice.

It was learned that there was a big timber job at the mouth of Fish Pot Run. Dan Radcliff, who lives out on the Umstead, slid over the hill because of the mud on the road.

Former Little creek residents Mr. and Mrs. Larry Arthur were attending to business in Creston over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferrell and Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Jett went bowling the other evening.

Susan Smith, Susan Myers, Carolyn Corbett, Sally Hannan, Maria Morrell, Emily and robin Summers, Kathy Collins, Joyce Edwards, Brandi Spiker, Donna Sue and Christie Ferrell and Janet Jett were calling at the Nancy Engelke residence for a Pampered Chef party.

Thanks to Osama and his friends Mohammed al Ferkel, Abdullah el Hure and Sultan ben Wurst, the war continues to have impact. Those who think the end times are here are very worried about the increased killing in Jerusalem while others are concerned when relatives and acquaintances are called up for active military duty. It was reported that the terrorists plan to kill the Pope for Christmas and then hit the U.S. again whenever the bleeding heart liberals get a halt called in the fighting and the domestic work against the terrorists. it now turns out that the Sudanese tried to give Slick the dope on Osama but he wasn't interested and now it turns out that there were more foreign links in the Oklahoma City bombing. Apparently they were not followed up because there was no immediate political advantage.

Local residents, especially those consulting with physicians, are concerned about the tort problem in WV that may cause emergency rooms to close, doctors to leave. etc. One might assume that the store down at the Mouth of Elk River has been unattended for a long time now.

Cooter Marks and JB Griffin were among those calling on C Romeo Griffin Jr. They assisted with mechanical repairs to Romeo's Generic Motors chariot.

Ding Altizer, Randall Whytsell, Peggy Stemple, Cap'n and Mrs. Spock were among those calling on Uncle Pete and Aunt Verda this weekend.

Ray and Hallie Cunningham of Burning Springs celebrated their 62nd anniversary a day early on Saturday at their residence. Several relatives came from far and near for the festive occasion.