Kathleen H. Taylor
First, for all the readers of the Pennsboro News, the Hur article will be different this week. I got busy and some of the events have already occurred.
I need to give a shout out to my cousin Rob. He is home from Iraq. We are so glad to have you back on our turf! I could never be a soldier. I assure you I would be the one who asks, "Is this the only color the uniform comes in?" I would also be the idiot who presses buttons because the curiosity is killing me. "Wonder what this one does?" I would say. I am guessing it's not a good idea to randomly push buttons while trying to save the world. I am convinced of this due to the fact I have pushed ESC on my pc more times than I can count. I assume there is not an ESC button for an accidental missile launch.
Avery felt the need to cut his own hair while I was "resting my eyes." At that point, it was still fixable. We had planned to let Chrystal repair the damage on Tuesday. Apparently, Tuesday was too far away to suit him. He got the scissors out again and butchered his hair. This time the damage was hideous and Chrystal had to shave his head very, very closely. I swear you can't take your eyes off that kid for a second.
Happy first birthday to Miss Natalie McCloy. She was all dolled up for her party last Sunday. Her big sister, Shaya, was the assistant hostess. She looked quite lovely in her dress especially since she added butterfly wings to enhance her outfit. Hey, a girl needs to possess the ability to accessorize. Several of us gathered at Jen McCLoy's house this past weekend to celebrate her birthday. Unfortunately, we kept running out of wood for the bonfire. So, our trusty assistants had to just "Jeep it" around Jen's hill to get it. Thanks guys!
Kathy's Crew took a road trip to Beckley on Saturday to pick up an Explorer. This car is my back up to keep from accumulating too many miles on the one I have. Every girl needs a back up plan, no matter what the situation. This is knowledge we have from birth.
A shout out goes to April M. for reading my article. OK, that's one reader. No, I'm kidding, I have 10 at last count. Someday, Beason will hit the big time. I just know it. I can see it now, "Beason News and World Report."
Terry, one of our favorite neighbors and undiscovered pro-golfer, has the coolest car on the street. It is a vintage Camaro. T-top, the whole package of sheer coolness (well, it would be with me in it) He keeps it covered to keep me from hot-wiring it. For some reason, he won't let me touch the keys. I figure if Daisy Duke could hot-wire, so can I. How hard could it be? Back in high school, I had a classmate that had a T-top Trans Am. I was so jealous. I had a Volkswagen Rabbit. Maybe that's why I have a hang-up about kids driving a better car than I do. Everyone should have the opportunity to look like a big dork in their first car. It should be a law.
Some are aware that I am in search of part time employment because I just don't have enough to do. Aside from fabric free public relations, there is not a lot of work available in WV. I have been told I should sell cars. It was then stated I had the ability to sell a slice of Heaven to the Devil himself. (In other words, I have the gift of B.S.) It was also discretely mentioned that perhaps I might have some assets that might persuade one to sign on the dotted line.
I finally had the opportunity to go play in the mud over July 4th weekend. Sources say that I may not be as high maintenance as what they had perceived. When I got home that evening, the power was off. Oh, that was special. No power, no water pump. Do you see a problem here? It was not cool. If there is a picture included with this article, please do not assume I support riding without a helmet. It wasn't in the photo because it was being wiped down.
There is a question I have been pondering on for some time. Perhaps the Beason Moms and Dads could help me out. Why is it that a child who thinks the world will end if they don't have a glass of water before bed can't bring their dinner plate to the same sink they got water from? I realize if they go around the other side of the kitchen table it might throw their sense of direction off.
My song pick of the week is, "Back to Good" by Matchbox Twenty.