Submitted by Nancy J. Bremar
Nutrition Outreach Instructor
Calhoun and Wirt Counties
The West Virginia Family Nutrition Program in conjunction with WVU Extension
announces a new round of Nutrition Classes will begin June 26th and
run each Thursday through July 31.
All classes will
begin at 10 a.m. and end at noon and will be held at the Grantsville
Volunteer Fire Department.
Participants will receive many healthy, easy to fix, economical recipes, as well doing hands-on cooking activities during each class. The class will
prepare foods that are nutritious and sample the fruits of their
labors. Many participants are amazed at the flavors especially when
very little or no salt is used.
There will be free food items to take
home each week, as well as goodies and door prizes.
During classes participants will discover just how easy it is to include
physical activity not only in your daily routine but in your families as
Topics for discussion are, food safety,
stretching food dollars, vitamins and minerals, and menu planning.
If you are interested in these classes or have any questions, please call
the WVU Extension Office at 354-6332 and ask for Nancy.