Submitted by Donnie Price
Jeff Fetty renowned blacksmith and photographer is shown providing instruction to a group of
students during a
photography class provided through Lights On!
If you see this group of 11 individuals wondering the streets of Grantsville Saturday morning
carrying 35 mm cameras, don't be
alarmed. It's only a group of photography students searching for items of interest to
photograph. Jeff Fetty renowned blacksmith
and photographer is offering a photography class through Lights On! As part of the class the
group will be doing field experience in
Grantsville. Upon completion of the class there will be a photo exhibit provided to the general
public. The
tentative date for the exhibit is January 4.
Richard Westfall provided his vast computer
knowledge by offering a Web Page Design
class sponsored through Lights On! The class provided participants the knowledge and
opportunity to create a web page under Mr.
Westfall's instruction.
Jo Mollendick is offering a basket making class starting November 26. The class will meet once
a week for four
weeks. For information and registration call the Lights On! office at 354-7595.
After school tutoring is now being offered for Middle-High School students. Referrals to the
program may be done by parents,
students or teachers. College students will provide the tutoring under the supervision of Gary
Knight, English teacher at Calhoun
High School. For information and registration call the Lights On! office at
After school recreation for Middle-High School students is being offered on Tuesday and
Thursday under the supervision of
Mr. Russ Ferrell. For information and registration call the Lights On! office at
An after school journalism class for middle school students is now open for registration. The
class will create a
newspaper under the supervision of Julie Brown. Times and dates to be announced.