Calhoun Schools Press Release

School Curriculum teams have been meeting with Jane Lynch, the superintendent to discuss programs across Calhoun County Schools.

Each school sent members of their school team with additional representatives from other programmatic areas to meetings at the Central Office.

Attendees reviewed their schools programs and past training.

The discussions centered around the value of programs and training in their schools and next steps to be taken.

The interaction of seasoned professionals with the needs of their students was a fresh step.

Previously, most decisions were made from administrators down, rather than developing the big picture as to where individual schools, and then the district were headed.

The district is in the process of hiring a Director of School Improvement, whose task will be to monitor school programs and ensure that from Preschool to graduation students are moving forward.

"Our goal is to make sure every student progresses and we will be looking for ways to provide instruction and support before students can fail. We have some programs, such as Reading First in the elementary schools which are helping our students achieve success. Additional reading instruction time is provided as students are identified for help. We just need to take the ideas and translate them to middle and high school students," said Lynch.

"We also have a math program in the high school that is bolstering student understand and diminishing math struggles in Algebra and higher courses. We need to look at those ideas and identify strategies for student in lower grades."

The superintendent is forming a county curriculum team, to review curriculum and training to make sure all areas are consistent across grade levels.

Professional staff will meet to identify the training needed to improve instruction for the coming school year.