Chief Justice Spike Maynard appears to be taking a page from his longtime friend, Massey CEO Don Blankenship.

Saying he has been the victim of "the mother of all political smears," he intends to bring suits against those who are ruining his name.

"Win or lose, when this is over, there will be litigation," Maynard said.

Attention has been focused on Maynard regarding his personal relationship with Blankenship, following the publishing of the duo's photos vacationing in Monaco while one or more major Massey cases was pending before the state's Supreme Court.

Blankenship frequently brings suits against those who cause him grief, including Gov. Joe Manchin.

Maynard called the negative attention "disgusting mud slinging at its worst."

Going on the offensive, Maynard said "I have a team of lawyers, right now, who are evaluating the evidence, evaluating what people are doing, what the news media's doing and people who accused me of doing anything wrong, particularly taking money, will be a defendant in the lawsuit. You can take that to the bank."

Maynard is seeking reelection to the high court.

He said the state has been given a bad name as a "judicial hellhole," a statement issued numerous times by the Chamber of Commerce and other political action groups.

A WVU study recently released, disputed the label.