
Kathleen H. Taylor

Welcome back to Beason. We look forward to your weekly visit.

Ethan had five (yes, five!) teeth pulled on Monday morning. He handled it like he had the procedure done every day. He definitely doesn't get those bravery genes from me. I can't deal with one tooth being pulled without being a baby. However, the handsome oral surgeon does take some of the edge off of me. Not enough, but it sure does help.

Aunt Pete came for her usual "fluff and style" this past week. It seems Pete is the proud owner of a new pink piece of technology. She and I put our heads together to figure out how this thing worked. But, I think the cell phone was smarter. Not prettier, but smarter. I wasn't quite sure why Pete needed a cell phone. After some deep thought, I realized she needed a second phone to store all those numbers she is offered when she leaves our shop with that hot hair, Rock on Pete!

Ethan with his wrestling trophy

The Ritchie County Wrestlers had their annual banquet on Sunday. It was so nice to be around kids with such great attitudes and such dedication to their sport. The banquet included an awesome slide show that included pictures from throughout the season. By the end of the show, I came to the conclusion I needed a new camera. I don't' always get facial expressions that are often critical in sports photos. Maybe Santa will bring this crazy wrestling Mom a new camera this year. I better be good this year. I think we can just go ahead and safely cross the camera off the list.

Brian is currently working the night shift in Pleasants. He received his walking papers from Cabot on Friday. Rumor has it that he received an unforgettable send-off from his "friends" at Cabot. I guess "partners in crime" would be a better description. He will never admit it to anyone, but, he had a great time. So, don't tell him I told you.

Unfortunately, I must report the holes on our road are getting bigger and bigger. It seems I have to go through one hole to avoid another. A couple of my CD's have been ruined because the CD player screws up when the car hits a big hole. My AC/DC CD is my morning kicker. If I don't have it, my day does not start off very well. Don't we have guests in the North Central Hotel that need something to do besides waste our tax dollars? I am certain there are some that need real job experience rather than selling crack to our children for their choice of career. I think shoveling lava hot tar in holes should be on their agenda. Just an idea.

In closing, I would like to say thanks to all for all the kind words and email. I really appreciate it. I never thought this little article would be something special to anyone. (Well, other than me). So, please know your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Health and happiness.